Molecular Data
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Patient ID
Type Of Mutation
Genic Region
Nucleotide change
Aminoacid change
Mutation comments
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 220 Missense E42 7211G>T 7211 S2404M 2404 Interdomain New
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 275 Deletion E11-32 - - - - D2-A3 New mutation identified by MPLA analysis
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 299 Missense E15 1831G>A 1831 D611N 611 D2 New
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 92 Missense E14 1721>G 1721 P574R 574 D2 New. In trans with mutations p.A542G and c.533-2A>G
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 276 PSSM I47 7887+12T>C 7887+12 - - -
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 1 Duplication E13 - - - - - New mutation identified by MPLA analysis
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 51 PSSM I13 1533+15G>A 1533+15 - - - Described in our lab as Type 1, but no RNA afectation was described
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 304 Missense E28 4120C>T 4120 R1374C 1374 A1 Described as type 2A
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 264 PSSM E35 5843-8C>G 5843 - - - Described as SNP in VWFdb nut not in SNPdb. Unknown phase
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 299 Deletion E18 2430delC 2430 P812RfsX30 812 D' Described
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 402 Missense E20 2561G>A 2561 R854Q 854 D' Described as type 2N
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 51 Missense E27 3614G>A 3614 R1205H 1205 Interdomain Described as Type 1
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 225 PSSM I15 1945+9C>T 1945 - - - New
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 93 Missense E28 3917G>A 3917 R1306Q 1306 A1 Described as 2B. Unknown phase with mutation p.R854Q
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 93 Missense E20 2561G>A 2561 R854Q 854 Interdomain Described as type 1 or 2N. Unknown phase with mutation p.R1306Q
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 92 Missense E14 1625C>G 1625 A542G 542 D2 In cis with mutation c.533-2A>G
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 264 Missense E36 6189C>A 6187 P2063S 2063 D4 Described as SNP and as a mutation. Unknown phase
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 348 Missense E20 2561G>A 2561 R854Q 854 Interdomain Described as type 2N
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 382 Missense E20 2561G>A 2561 R854Q 854 Interdomain Homozygous mutation. Described as type 2N
Clinical Data ISTH mutations 371 PSSM I14 1729+3A>G 1729+3 - - - New. In trans with mutation c.2820+1G>T